SUPERINTENDENT EVALUATION /Goals Update - Mr. Douglas Mentzer, ED.S
- District-Wide Goal (2024-25): to continue to build systems and processes that will create a practical consistency, ethical baseline, and professional integrity to all functions and operations within the district (20/21, 21/22, 22/23, 23/24).
- To establish and promote highly effective district governance by building a trusting, productive, collaborative relationship with the Trenton Public Schools Board of Education (Governance & Board Relations).
- To build public trust and confidence through open, honest communication and positive relationships. Collaboration with families and the community to support student learning (Community Relations).
- To increase organizational effectiveness and efficiency and ensure high performance and support to schools (Business & Finance, Staff Relations, Business & Finance)
- To continue to support proactive, long-term and short-term financial practices that foster fiscally responsible decision making (Business & Finance).
- To establish a respectful, positive district culture centered on teaching and learning (this includes curriculum alignment and professional development focused exclusively on best practice and student learning) (Instructional Leadership).
- Social-Emotional: The district will create a supportive school environment and support structure in all grades which focuses on students’ social-emotional well-being and engagement. Effectiveness will be measured by various data sources including but not limited to MTSS data, SST data, and student survey data.
- Student Growth & Achievement Goals 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24.
1. District-Wide Goal: to continue to build systems and processes that will create a practical consistency, ethical baseline, and professional integrity to all functions and operations within the district (20/21, 21/22, 22/23).
Click on the URL below for the most up to date information.
Click on the URL below for the most up to date information.
2. To establish and promote highly effective district governance by building a trusting, productive, collaborative relationship with the Trenton Public Schools Board of Education (Governance & Board Relations).
Two phase approach: Crisis and Mental Health Teams and MTSS process.
- Bond updates/progress/changes - as needed.
- Led NEOLA process for the adoption of new Board policy. and subsequent administrative workshops in 21-22 to update any and all standing policy and related practice. Updates continued in 2022-23 and the process was formally completed in June of 2023. Our current focus is on maintaining updates related to Board Policy and staying current specific to Title IX and student use of AI.
- Weekly updates - insight to current topics/publications, articles, etc.
- Board Docs/Agenda Updates.
- Superintendent Updates.
- Daily Updates (when necessary).
- TPS webpage has been overhauled to accommodate the increased traffic flow from our media campaign. This continues to be a work in progress. A new website launched in August for the 2023-24 school year. K12 Media has helped us maintain current images and the promotion of our most recent initiatives.
- We have continued to work w/K12 Media Productions to brand, market, improve SOC, and increase traffic flow to our website.
- Personal utilization of Twitter to promote TPS. This has transcended into several administrators as well (elementary principals, middle school admin, & THS assistant principals).
- Participated in TEF meetings/ TEF Signature Event.
- DCTC Executive Council - expansion of DCTC/CTE programs and the most recent purchase of the Trenton Athletic Club.
- Utilized district website, social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, etc. (K12 Media).
- Continued weekly communication schedule with administration/building principals. We have changed the communication platform and format starting in December 2024.
- Have maintained communication with an active Superintendent Advisory Team and corresponding Student Leadership Council that has continued into year four The TPS Parent Council has continued to evolve. It has become a significant resource for getting feedback, perspective, and a "pulse" on our community.
- Established a first ever Safety Council made up of Trenton Police Officers, City Officials, teachers, principals, and parents that has continued into year two. It has not met in the last year as we continue to work towards meeting expectations from our Safety Audit.
- Began restructuring of Central Office in 20/21 - title amendment: Director of Curriculum to Assistant Superintendent (also provides a replacement process/candidate for the position of Superintendent). This process has continued (Human Resources, Business Operations, etc.), created and hired a new position of Director of Human Resources and Operations.
- Labor resolution/ issues/assignments custodial staff etc.
- Settled TEA Contract in 2020/21, wage reopener in 2021, and 2023 - 2025 CBA.
- Custodial workshops have continued in 2023-24. This responsibility has now been assigned to the TPS Director of Operations and Facilities Supervisor.
- Met with School Nurse - created a contract and an addendum to a non-existent agreement/contract. Her daily schedule is now shared with our district administration team. TPS added a second nurse in 2023-24 to support all students and staff.
- A significant part of TPS advancement in all areas is and will continue through a conscious and ongoing needs assessment process. This will take patience and persistence, but ultimately will provide the district a way to increase efficiency and effectiveness (in all areas).
- A significant part of this effort is embedded in the creation of employee handbooks that are specific to each job/work orientation. These handbooks will outline all encompassing expectations and standards related to processes, protocols, and policies. We completed our first such handbook for our custodial organization in January 2021 and revised content throughout the 2022/23 year. We now have staff and administrative handbooks current and up to date for 2024.25. This is an annual process that is carried out during the summer months.
- Settled TEA contract and corresponding wage reopener in the Fall of 2021. Recently adopted Interest Based Bargaining to work collaboratively on details related to our CBA. This resulted in a two year agreement for 2023-24 and 2024-25. We will begin negotiations in January of 2025.
- Energy and Bond updates/progress - we are nearing the end as we have found resolution with our door issues, door scanners, and grounds.
- Initiated and completed a professional contract with K-12 Media Productions for 2023-24. We have several marketing campaigns ready for roll out during the 2024-25 school year.
- Evaluated student enrollment numbers, determined areas of concern, and customized a SOC plan that resulted in the retention of 31 students that would have left the district in 2021/22. Moreover, we replicated this effort in 2022/23 and enrolled the most SOC students to date in 2023.24 (134). SOC now makes up 15% of our enrollment (390 total students).
- Needs Assessment Implementation/Process has continued to move forward. This will allow for coordinated budgetary planning on both an annual basis, as well as, long term (capital outlay projects). Our pre budget meetings will begin at the end of November.
- Revised budgetary process for implementation in 21-22 and beyond. We are now in year 4. This has also resulted in an established athletic budget for the first time in many years.
- Pre-budget meetings were held in November 2024, budget needs were reviewed and suggestions were shared.
- Budgets proposals will be completed in January 2025 with follow up meetings to determine feasibility.
- We have worked extensively to continue the MTSS/SST efforts in each building. Our elementary schools succeeded in efficient operations that led to significant learning. The middle school also implemented similar processes and reached out to struggling students throughout the last several school years. This system has also been implemented at the high school and “at-risk” students are now receiving tier one, as well as tier two support throughout the year. They are also conducting "thumbs" and SST meetings.
- Student Centered Learning. TPS will create individualized learning opportunities for students in all grades by following the attributes promoted by Communications by Design.
- Teaching for Tomorrow prepares teachers, and thus their students, for an ever-changing future. Leveraging the power of educational technology, teachers will gain knowledge, skills, and strategies to prepare students for success in the classroom and beyond.
- During the summer of 2024, TPS leadership will continue to develop actionable goals.
Two phase approach: Crisis and Mental Health Teams and MTSS process.
- Crisis and Mental Health Teams.
- Created a District Crisis Team Shared folder.
- Updated/completed the Crisis Guide.
- Created an abbreviated/practical Crisis Guide for ALL staff.
- Created Threat Assessment Teams at each building (1 + 1 minimum) under the adherence to C-STAG (fall of 2023).
- Created a media response packet from our current Crisis Guide along with a designee/team to help create response communications.
- Created an “update” team to modify and update the CG, cliff notes, etc.
- Completed the coordination process between the Crisis Team, Mental Health Team, & Safety Council.
- Monthly Crisis Scenario meetings were implemented in 2023 and will continue indefinitely with our Crisis Team and leadership.
- MTSS & SST Teams.
- MTSS systems and processes are now efficiently running at all four buildings.
- Thumbs-up efforts and subsequent SST meetings have led to student support in academics, behavior, social-emotional, and special education testing.
- For the Classes of 2020 and beyond, the 4-year graduation rate will meet or exceed 95%.
- 2020-21 – Graduation Rate = 99%
- 2021-22 – Graduation Rate = 99%
- 2022-23 – Graduation Rate = 99%
- 2023-24 - Graduation Rate = 97.04% (drop-out rate = 1.48%: 197 graduates, 3 dropped out, 2 PAES/GED, and 1 retained student).
- Student Growth in Literacy. TPS will strive to ensure that all students annually achieve their typical growth expectation in reading (K-8). This will be measured by student growth on the I-Ready, and other appropriate metrics.
- Final results will reflect an aggregate of teacher/building scores.
5 Year Plan (PHASE 1/2020-2021: Rationale, Objectives, and Actions)
Goals, Rationale, Objectives, and Actions
Goal #1: To establish and promote highly effective district governance by building a trusting, productive, collaborative relationship with the Trenton Public Schools Board of Education.
Rationale: in order to ensure an intense focus on meeting the needs of all children, the Board and superintendent must develop a trusting, positive, collaborative and team-oriented relationship that is embedded in the belief and priority that kids come first!
Objectives: to build a positive, productive, and trusting relationship with individual members of the Trenton School Board so that we may share a common understanding of priorities, shared beliefs, bold initiatives, mission, and district vision.
Actions: schedule individual meetings, discuss and establish regular communication systems and/or processes for continuous communication, maintain transparent communication (no hidden agendas), and outline, plan, develop processes for systemic awareness of where we are and where we want to be as a district. Constant communication and availability is vital to our success.
Goal #2: To increase organizational effectiveness and efficiency and ensure high performance and support to schools.
Rationale: if we are to inspire students today for their success tomorrow, we must ensure that our resources and system processes are effectively and efficiently aligned to the mission, vision, and strategic plan. This includes budgetary/fiscal practice and policy.
Objectives: to review all critical documents ~ including budgetary and fiscal reports, the organizational flow chart, employee handbooks, policy and procedures manuals, mission and vision statement, the strategic plan, and student achievement data by school. Ensure staff and respective resources are appropriately aligned to the established systemic processes.
Actions: establish regularly scheduled meetings with central office staff and principals, and set clear understanding of roles, responsibilities, expectations and systems for accountability. Determine how communication and decision making will occur with executive team, establishing meeting protocols and systems designed to focus on increased student achievement and continuous improvement. Meet with union leadership to work toward a creating a professional relationship embedded in the belief and priority that all kids come first!
Goal #3: To establish a respectful, positive district culture centered on teaching and learning (this includes curriculum alignment and professional development focused exclusively on best practice and student learning).
Rationale: schools and offices will only reach high levels of performance if all district employees work in collaboration and establish a culture of trust and commitment. This is the very foundation of any professional learning community. The challenging work of teaching and learning will be more successful if we create a self-renewing organization built on valuing each employee’s vital role in helping TPS reach its vision and mission. This must extend K-12.
Objectives: analyze with district and building leaders state and local assessment data (identify patterns, gaps, etc.). Prioritize learning needs based on data analysis. Establish goals in proficiency and growth for state assessment. Review MTSS protocols that address learning needs of all students including intervention and acceleration and determine and/or validate options for advanced learning.
Actions: work with Board, staff, parents, and community to maintain transparency and work towards continuous improvement. Conduct school and classroom visits including 1:1 meetings with building administration. Review scope and sequence of district curriculum and assessment. Ensure there is an accountability system to continuously support data-driven decision making. Plan and encourage all professional and support staff in ongoing, job embedded professional development in the area of data analysis with a focus on the use of aligned formative and summative assessment results. Develop a dashboard for student achievement indicators.
Goal #4: To build public trust and confidence through open, honest communication and positive relationships.
Rationale: community involvement and engagement is essential to build effective schools. To be most effective, our district must consider and reflect a wide range of perspectives and viewpoints.
Objectives: to gain a better understanding of Trenton’s community by connecting to civic organizations such as the Trenton Rotary Club, Trenton Goodfellows, and Kiwanis Club. Forge an alliance with the city by working with the mayor and City Council. Get feedback from both parents and students alike. Be present.
Actions: establish positive working relationships with local civic leaders, members of the business community, and support agencies in the community. Develop relationships with student organizations such as the high school student council and NHS. Establish open and ongoing communication with all stakeholders including union leadership, support staff, community members (through open forums), and media. Facilitate understanding and ownership of the district’s vision, mission, and core purpose (kids first).
Only by knowing where we have been can we determine where we will go
Goal #5: To continue to support proactive, long-term and short-term financial practices that foster fiscally responsible decision making.
Rationale: due to the significance of inadequate public school funding, it is imperative to implement sound fiscal policies so that our students benefit in every way possible.
Objectives: expand and solidify understanding of Trenton’s financial landscape and priorities. Expand and solidify understanding of Federal and State legislation and proposed legislation pertaining to educational finance. To continue to forge a path of fiscal responsibility.
Actions: meet with Business Manager to discuss the most recent audit, the mid-year budget report, strategic planning outcomes, facility needs, student counts, educational grants, and upcoming financial checkpoints. Review district financial projections, resource allocation, and the process for building the annual operating budget. Gain an understanding of the most important things to know about the most recent contract negotiations. Attend MASB and MASA legislative forums in order to expand knowledge of current and proposed legislation impacting the financial landscape in public education. Depending on time frame, 2018 bond program progess, construction, and facilities utilization reports may need to be analyzed accordingly.
Goal #1: To establish and promote highly effective district governance by building a trusting, productive, collaborative relationship with the Trenton Public Schools Board of Education.
Rationale: in order to ensure an intense focus on meeting the needs of all children, the Board and superintendent must develop a trusting, positive, collaborative and team-oriented relationship that is embedded in the belief and priority that kids come first!
Objectives: to build a positive, productive, and trusting relationship with individual members of the Trenton School Board so that we may share a common understanding of priorities, shared beliefs, bold initiatives, mission, and district vision.
Actions: schedule individual meetings, discuss and establish regular communication systems and/or processes for continuous communication, maintain transparent communication (no hidden agendas), and outline, plan, develop processes for systemic awareness of where we are and where we want to be as a district. Constant communication and availability is vital to our success.
Goal #2: To increase organizational effectiveness and efficiency and ensure high performance and support to schools.
Rationale: if we are to inspire students today for their success tomorrow, we must ensure that our resources and system processes are effectively and efficiently aligned to the mission, vision, and strategic plan. This includes budgetary/fiscal practice and policy.
Objectives: to review all critical documents ~ including budgetary and fiscal reports, the organizational flow chart, employee handbooks, policy and procedures manuals, mission and vision statement, the strategic plan, and student achievement data by school. Ensure staff and respective resources are appropriately aligned to the established systemic processes.
Actions: establish regularly scheduled meetings with central office staff and principals, and set clear understanding of roles, responsibilities, expectations and systems for accountability. Determine how communication and decision making will occur with executive team, establishing meeting protocols and systems designed to focus on increased student achievement and continuous improvement. Meet with union leadership to work toward a creating a professional relationship embedded in the belief and priority that all kids come first!
Goal #3: To establish a respectful, positive district culture centered on teaching and learning (this includes curriculum alignment and professional development focused exclusively on best practice and student learning).
Rationale: schools and offices will only reach high levels of performance if all district employees work in collaboration and establish a culture of trust and commitment. This is the very foundation of any professional learning community. The challenging work of teaching and learning will be more successful if we create a self-renewing organization built on valuing each employee’s vital role in helping TPS reach its vision and mission. This must extend K-12.
Objectives: analyze with district and building leaders state and local assessment data (identify patterns, gaps, etc.). Prioritize learning needs based on data analysis. Establish goals in proficiency and growth for state assessment. Review MTSS protocols that address learning needs of all students including intervention and acceleration and determine and/or validate options for advanced learning.
Actions: work with Board, staff, parents, and community to maintain transparency and work towards continuous improvement. Conduct school and classroom visits including 1:1 meetings with building administration. Review scope and sequence of district curriculum and assessment. Ensure there is an accountability system to continuously support data-driven decision making. Plan and encourage all professional and support staff in ongoing, job embedded professional development in the area of data analysis with a focus on the use of aligned formative and summative assessment results. Develop a dashboard for student achievement indicators.
Goal #4: To build public trust and confidence through open, honest communication and positive relationships.
Rationale: community involvement and engagement is essential to build effective schools. To be most effective, our district must consider and reflect a wide range of perspectives and viewpoints.
Objectives: to gain a better understanding of Trenton’s community by connecting to civic organizations such as the Trenton Rotary Club, Trenton Goodfellows, and Kiwanis Club. Forge an alliance with the city by working with the mayor and City Council. Get feedback from both parents and students alike. Be present.
Actions: establish positive working relationships with local civic leaders, members of the business community, and support agencies in the community. Develop relationships with student organizations such as the high school student council and NHS. Establish open and ongoing communication with all stakeholders including union leadership, support staff, community members (through open forums), and media. Facilitate understanding and ownership of the district’s vision, mission, and core purpose (kids first).
Only by knowing where we have been can we determine where we will go
Goal #5: To continue to support proactive, long-term and short-term financial practices that foster fiscally responsible decision making.
Rationale: due to the significance of inadequate public school funding, it is imperative to implement sound fiscal policies so that our students benefit in every way possible.
Objectives: expand and solidify understanding of Trenton’s financial landscape and priorities. Expand and solidify understanding of Federal and State legislation and proposed legislation pertaining to educational finance. To continue to forge a path of fiscal responsibility.
Actions: meet with Business Manager to discuss the most recent audit, the mid-year budget report, strategic planning outcomes, facility needs, student counts, educational grants, and upcoming financial checkpoints. Review district financial projections, resource allocation, and the process for building the annual operating budget. Gain an understanding of the most important things to know about the most recent contract negotiations. Attend MASB and MASA legislative forums in order to expand knowledge of current and proposed legislation impacting the financial landscape in public education. Depending on time frame, 2018 bond program progess, construction, and facilities utilization reports may need to be analyzed accordingly.
Timeline 24/7/365
This phase will consist of meetings with district staff, school staff and community members to discuss our district goals and initiatives in order to learn about the strengths, challenges, and areas of improvement. This is an important phase to listen and learn from students, teachers, principals, staff, parents, and community members. Through the different perspectives, we will learn how our district staff and community members perceive the efforts of our schools in order to meet our vision and mission.
One-on-one meetings with:
School Board Members, Elected Officials, District Directors, Committee Chairs, and Building Principals
Meetings with each central office team including:
Equity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted, Curriculum & Instruction, Assessment, Interventions, Tutoring, Professional Learning, Leadership Development, Performance Management, Talent Management, Instructional Technology, Strategic Planning, Budgeting
Meetings with key stakeholders including:
Principals, Assistant Principals, Teachers, Focus Groups, Parents, Parent Organizations, Students, Student Leadership Groups, Community Organizations.
During the Entry Period, data and outcomes from the transitional period will begin to form cohesion and take on the form of measurable outcomes. The entry phase is a time of brainstorming and collaboration that relies on data analysis and sharing of ideas. This phase provides opportunities to reflect on the vision, mission, and beliefs in that sets priorities and provides focus. The entry phase will help district leaders highlight challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and will begin the collaboration process to identify learning and actions that will follow.
The information gathered will be used to create a summary report and findings. This resource will help guide the school board, district staff, and school staff in strategic thinking and planning to better support school leaders and teachers.
During the Planning Period, leaders focus on goal refinement, strategy formulation, and planning for future systems. This process considers objectives and strategies for addressing challenges and capitalizing on opportunities. Leaders will spend time developing systems that will address these issues while making consideration for how systems will be measured and evaluated. Work within this phase attempts to set future benchmarks and goals while planning for the future.
This phase will consist of meetings with district staff, school staff and community members to discuss our district goals and initiatives in order to learn about the strengths, challenges, and areas of improvement. This is an important phase to listen and learn from students, teachers, principals, staff, parents, and community members. Through the different perspectives, we will learn how our district staff and community members perceive the efforts of our schools in order to meet our vision and mission.
One-on-one meetings with:
School Board Members, Elected Officials, District Directors, Committee Chairs, and Building Principals
Meetings with each central office team including:
Equity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted, Curriculum & Instruction, Assessment, Interventions, Tutoring, Professional Learning, Leadership Development, Performance Management, Talent Management, Instructional Technology, Strategic Planning, Budgeting
Meetings with key stakeholders including:
Principals, Assistant Principals, Teachers, Focus Groups, Parents, Parent Organizations, Students, Student Leadership Groups, Community Organizations.
During the Entry Period, data and outcomes from the transitional period will begin to form cohesion and take on the form of measurable outcomes. The entry phase is a time of brainstorming and collaboration that relies on data analysis and sharing of ideas. This phase provides opportunities to reflect on the vision, mission, and beliefs in that sets priorities and provides focus. The entry phase will help district leaders highlight challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and will begin the collaboration process to identify learning and actions that will follow.
The information gathered will be used to create a summary report and findings. This resource will help guide the school board, district staff, and school staff in strategic thinking and planning to better support school leaders and teachers.
During the Planning Period, leaders focus on goal refinement, strategy formulation, and planning for future systems. This process considers objectives and strategies for addressing challenges and capitalizing on opportunities. Leaders will spend time developing systems that will address these issues while making consideration for how systems will be measured and evaluated. Work within this phase attempts to set future benchmarks and goals while planning for the future.